Ineh is the festival of the Onotu Society also referred to as Igba Ekwensu. The Onotu is a society of war veterans. War itself is about decimating the enemy. According to popular belief,’’the hero is he who went to war, killed the enemy and came home safely.’’ The...
Oji also known as kola nut is a fruit of the kola tree, native to the tropical rainforests of Africa. Although the caffeine-containing fruit of the tree is sometimes used as a flavoring ingredient in beverages, it has great spiritual significance in Igbo land (Global...
In 1953, the antiquities ordinance, which gave birth to the Federal Department of Antiquity was promulgated leading to the establishment of Museums in Esie, Jos, Ife, Lagos, Owo, Benin and Oron. After the Nigerian Civil War, the Federal Government in quest for lasting...
Nigeria is one of the West African countries endowed with rich cultural heritage, sourced from its multicultural communities. (Onyima, 2016). Its culturally diversified nature is a boost to its potential as a tourist nation, which has contributed to the development of...
Palm wine as the name implies, is the product of sap of different palm trees. These include; date palm, coconut palm, Palmyra palm, the oil palm and the Raphia palm. The term “wine” comes as the result of fermentation of natural wild yeast from the palm....
The Igbo’s usually celebrate the arrival of the new yam through a festival which they call “iri Ji”. Ordinarily iri ji means to eat yam, but in the cultural context, it means the new yam festival. Depending on the dialect some refer to it as ikeji, iwaji, ifejioku...