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Ineh is the festival of the Onotu Society also referred to as Igba Ekwensu. The
Onotu is a society of war veterans. War itself is about decimating the enemy.
According to popular belief,’’the hero is he who went to war, killed the enemy
and came home safely.’’ The celebration of this feat is what the Ineh Festival is
all about.

It is an annual festival of the Onotu Society where the war veterans celebrate
their gallantry and victory in warfare. The main celebrants are members of the
Onotu Society and the preparations start with the period of Iba Na Nzu when the
entire community goes into a retreat, characterized by serenity. Social activities
are restricted during the four day period as all forms of noise making are

Other forms of restrictions cover breaking of fire wood, washing and open drying
of cloth, fighting etc. During this period, only members of the Onotu are
permitted to move about and make noise as they patrol the entire community at
night. Periodically, they burst into shouts of Ogidie and Diagene beckoning on
the spirit of their war victims to come for drinks at the Ikenga which once
brought out of custody heralds the beginning of the Iba Na Nzu period.
This magnanimity in extending the arms of friendship to the spirit of their victims
underlines the sanctity with which the Enuani Nation holds human life.
On the day of the Ineh Festival, It is forbidden for anybody to go into the farm.
The restrictions remain in force until lifted by the sound of gunshots from the
Obi, The Ani and the chiefs in quick succession and in the order of seniority file
out and commence the festival.

Almost every section of the community gets involved as each village follows its
Olinzele and Imalegwe with martial music and gunshots to the festival. Members
of the Onotu decked in their chieftaincy and war attires and armed with the
Ogbodo and Akili lead the procession as they congregate and pay visits to their
shrine at Akpu Otu. They also visit the Ihu Ani, Ihu Mkpitime, the Obi and the
Ogbele-Ani as well as the Uno Nze at the Ogbe-Onicha and Idumu Agu Quarters
before they disperse.

At each of these spots, they dance and recount their war exploits amidst martial
music and gunshots. The Ineh festival is indeed a celebration for gallantry. In
times past, the celebrants paraded the skulls of their victims since the practice at
that time was to kill and behead. Presentation of the head of the victim was a
confirmation of gallantry. Some celebrants also adorned their neck or chest with
the jaw bone of their victims but this aspect has been put in check by civilization.
There is however no doubt that these relics can still; be found in the homes of
some old time veterans.

The rituals of Ina Aka also take place in the order of seniority. Ina Aka is the
high point of the Ineh Festival for every celebrant. It is the formal
acknowledgement of his exploits in a process referred to as Igo Ngigo.
Thereafter he dances to the tune of the Olingba music, amidst gunshots, before
stooping or kneeling and presenting his instruments of warfare, the Akili and the
Ogbodo for acknowledgement.

The day after the Ineh festival, the community observes the Ineh Uchichi which
runs for the next seven days. The essence of this aspect of the Ineh Festival
which takes place only at night is to expose the evil doers in the society.
This is mainly the preoccupation of the youngsters who go out in the evenings
talking and singing obscenities. They go to any length to reveal the atrocities
committed by people since the last Ineh festival.

No indigene, no matter how highly placed, is free from the eagle eyes of the
various groups of youths united in their commitment to exposure of atrocities
committed against the society. Their search light is beamed on corruption and
sexual escapades.

Although tradition grants them immunity, sometimes they go beyond their
bounds committing molestations and defamation all in the spirit of the Ineh
Festival. The Ineh is clearly the biggest festival and draws more crowd than any
other in the community.